
Nuance is never obvious

Last week, I read perhaps the best article that has come across my screen in 2016 on the topic of customer service: The Secret Lives of Hotel Doormen by Noam Scheiber. For me, it clarified the distinction between ordinary and extraordinary customer service. While reading the article—although it doesn’t appear

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Does your customer feel like a guest or a nuisance?

Many companies use terms like “guest” and “partner” to convey the intimacy they have with their customers but the reality is that most employees, when given the opportunity, do not behave as though they are serving a valued guest. If you’d like to test this assertion, simply show up at

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That little extra…

I’ll skip the introductory paragraph about how bad the economy is and how smart business people are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to offer more value to their customers because—assuming you haven’t been riffed and the lights are still on—you already know this. The point of this post

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Chipotle’s got humor in the bag

Companies that make me laugh create positive memories for me—of the service experience and brand. Using appropriate humor is an authentic way for companies to express their uniqueness while making it memorable for customers. Here’s an example from Chipotle Mexican Grill: Employees at Chipotle place to-go orders in brown bags

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Sell the sizzle, AND the steak!

I read a Wall Street Journal article this week by Timothy W. Martin titled, Choice Advice From Meat Cutters. The article highlighted the benefits of training butchers at leading supermarket chains to engage customers as a chef rather than as simply a meat cutter. The difference separates a memorable, customer-focused

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The Revelation Conversation

The Revelation Conversation is Here!