Hire for cultural fit
A company’s culture is the byproduct of the collective actions, behaviors, and decision-making of its employees. And employees’ actions, behaviors, and decisions are informed by
A company’s culture is the byproduct of the collective actions, behaviors, and decision-making of its employees. And employees’ actions, behaviors, and decisions are informed by
A recent Gartner study revealed 52 percent of employees surveyed agreed or strongly agreed with the statement: “The pandemic has made me question the purpose
Are you an includer? Do you seek input from others when decisions need to be made? Do you foster a work culture that encourages group
For decades, leadership luminaries such as Abraham Zaleznik and John Kotter have examined the differences between managers and leaders. Managers were labeled with terms like
By now, most of us have been impacted in some way by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). I worked in Boston last week where I met
Earlier this summer, I was relaxing by the pool at a well-known resort in Las Vegas. Because it was 100° in the shade, from the
Last fall I traveled to Philadelphia to meet up with several colleagues at a downtown hotel. At check-in, I received a room key emblazoned with
Two weeks ago we received a late spring snowstorm that left several inches of snow on our back deck. Because my teenage son was hosting
In 1989, Stephen R. Covey’s perennial book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was published. It must have resonated, having sold more than 25
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