FedEx delivers a personal touch!

Last month while I was awaiting a flight at the Dane County Regional Airport in Madison, Wisconsin, I received a phone call from Lisa, an account executive with FedEx.

Lisa was calling me to check on my newly established corporate account and see whether or not I had any questions or needed any shipping supplies. We had a nice chat during which she pulled up my website and asked me why I was holding a pineapple—but that’s a topic for another blog posting… As our conversation ended, Lisa reinforced that she was available when questions did arise and let me know that she would be sending me an email containing her contact information so I would have a record of it.

So here I was, just four weeks into my corporate account with FedEx and having spent less than $100 in shipping with them at the time, receiving a phone call from a company representative. And it was not simply a rote, transactional call confirming the details of my account. Lisa was fun, animated, engaging, and demonstrated her genuine interest by pulling up my website during our call and asking me questions about my business.

After our call, it occurred to me that in the ten years that I used DHL Express I had never received a call from a company representative. During that period, I spent thousands of dollars on domestic and international shipping. As you may know, DHL Express ceased domestic operations in December 2008. That is why I established a corporate account with FedEx in January.

Companies in general—and overnight shipping companies in particular—live or die based on the confidence customers have in their service. And confidence is reinforced through personalized, memorable customer service. To me, FedEx has consistently delivered confidence and reliability.

Now, after my memorable phone call with Lisa, I see them as delivering a personal touch as well.

Go FedEx!

Order Delight Your Customers: 7 Simple Ways to Raise Your Customer Service from Ordinary to Extraordinary by Steve Curtin or purchase from select retailers, including Barnes & Noble.
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