Customer service is all aTwitter!

Earlier today, I broke down and established a Twitter profile and broadcast my first “tweet” pertaining to a book review on this website and just added another update about some customer service research I was doing on

For a long time I asked myself, “Why would anyone be interested in communicating in such a cryptic manner?” And, assuming that did appeal to someone, why would anyone else even care? That said, I’ve taken the plunge and plan to add regular updates pertaining to the customer service I’m presently receiving and/or service-related projects I’m working on.

As opposed to submitting tweets about nothing (sort of like an ongoing Seinfeld threaded discussion…), I’m going to try and make the updates a bit more relevant by adding customer service nuggets (in 140 characters or less) like this one: Server just asked, “How was everything?” I said, “Fine.” She said, “Good” and left the check. Did you know that “fine” is an acronym for “Feelings Inside Not Expressed”?

If you’re on Twitter and are interested in following my updates, my user name is: enthused.

Happy tweeting!

Order Delight Your Customers: 7 Simple Ways to Raise Your Customer Service from Ordinary to Extraordinary by Steve Curtin or purchase from select retailers, including Barnes & Noble.
The Revelation Conversation

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