Delight Your Customers
When asked what their work entails, most employees list the duties or tasks associated with their job roles. Very few refer to the true essence of their job, their highest priority at work: to create delighted customers who will be less price sensitive, have higher repurchase rates, and enthusiastically recommend the company or brand to others. Without this customer focus, all that exists is a transaction—and transactional service does not make a lasting positive impression or inspire loyalty.
Delight Your Customers reveals three truths common to all exceptional customer service experiences and presents seven behaviors that, when demonstrated by employees, distinguish extraordinary customer service from the ordinary transactional variety to which consumers have become accustomed.
Illustrated with real-world stories and more than 200 examples from a variety of industries, this book is a resource that will help readers everywhere take their customer service from ordinary to extraordinary!
Delight Your Customers Companion Guide
If Delight Your Customers has renewed your commitment to exceptional customer service, then the Delight Your Customers Companion Guide provides an effective road map to embed the key learnings into the culture of your organization.
Many of Steve’s clients, having embraced the core truths and behaviors outlined in the book, have asked for a way to cascade these lessons to divisions, teams, and workgroups. To address this need, Steve has collaborated with former colleague and service training expert Brian O’Neill to create the new Delight Your Customers Companion Guide containing a variety of active learning agendas that organizations can select and customize for maximum impact.
When your organization is ready to delight its customers, the Delight Your Customers Companion Guide provides ten customizable, actionable, and experiential learning sessions to help reignite and sustain your company’s commitment to extraordinary customer service.
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