

Masks cannot hide your smile

I’m reading a lot about how COVID-19 is going to irrevocably change customer service and customer experience. There’s no doubt that things will change – are changing – in the near term. And after the virus has passed, we’ll continue to see masks worn voluntarily on airplanes, public transportation, and

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“Snap out of it!”

Have you ever heard someone say, “They don’t pay me enough to do this job”? If I had a captive audience with an employee who expressed this sentiment, I would suggest that until his disposition and performance (e.g., customer service quality) improves, he’s not going to be qualified – or

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Never apologize for your enthusiasm

Once, while I was sharing a retail example of exceptional customer service during a seminar in New York City, a participant interrupted to ask, “But what if you don’t want the cashier to act all phony—like she’s your best friend? What if you just want to make your purchase and

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Exercise enthusiasm!

Much is said about a company’s responsibility to create an environment that fosters an engaged workforce, one in which employees are fully involved and enthusiastic. And while it’s true that employers should treat their employees fairly, provide them with achievement opportunities, recognize their contributions, and promote cooperative relations with others,

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Exceptional service is rare, but not extinct

During a recent trip to Lakeshore Learning Store in Lone Tree, Colorado, I debated which set of Giant Soft & Safe Dinosaurs to buy my preschooler for Christmas. I chose the set containing a pterodactyl. As I laid the package on the counter, the cashier, Pete, affirmed my choice, exclaiming,

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Volunteers Needed

I recently came across a list of attributes possessed by volunteers—whether candy stripers at a local hospital, political activists along the campaign trail or parents donating their time at their children’s elementary school. The list included: Passion: Authentic energy and enthusiasm in support of a cause Commitment: The act of

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Does your customer feel like a guest or a nuisance?

Many companies use terms like “guest” and “partner” to convey the intimacy they have with their customers but the reality is that most employees, when given the opportunity, do not behave as though they are serving a valued guest. If you’d like to test this assertion, simply show up at

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They’re Just Not That Into You

Have you ever noticed the similarities between attracting a prospective customer and wooing a mate? There are lots of similarities when you think about it. For example, before the relationship develops, there may be frequent but informal contact. In business, that may look like a weekly e-newsletter that over time

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Dairy Queen: Something Indifferent

The other day, my family and I went to Dairy Queen for “Something Different” (the DQ slogan). After waiting in line for a few minutes, our family of six made its way to the front of the line. Looking at the “scrumdelicious” pictures on the menus suspended above the counter,

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The Revelation Conversation

The Revelation Conversation is Here!