Selling is serving

My 11-year-old son, Coleton, approached me about a fundraiser for his middle school. The students have two weeks to sell magazine subscriptions in order to raise money for the school and qualify for a variety of prizes themselves.

Sensing that I may be receptive to a magazine subscription for his younger siblings, Coleton began his sales pitch.

Coleton: “This Discovery Kids magazine might be good for Kennedy and Carter.”

Me: “How much is it?”

Coleton: “Ten issues for $26.”

Me: “That’s kind of expensive.”

Coleton: “Yeah, maybe you’re right.”

As he began to turn away, I exclaimed…

Me: “Whoa! Wait a minute. Why not ask me, ‘What do you currently do to entertain Kennedy and Carter?’”

Coleton: “What do you currently do to entertain Kennedy and Carter?”

Me: “Well, sometimes I buy them a Blu-ray DVD for around $25 to entertain them for 90-minutes or so.”

Sensing his opportunity, he continued…

Coleton: “What if, for only one dollar more, you could have 10 issues of a magazine filled with colorful pictures of animals to entertain Kennedy and Carter throughout the year?”

Me: “Sold!”

Although I usually blog about customer service per se, whenever you offer something of value to prospective customers, you are providing a service. And if you withhold that beneficial product or service because an objection was raised, due to call reluctance or for some other reason, then you are failing to properly serve them.

Consider my example: As a result of the sale, Coleton gets closer to qualifying for a prize at school, his school earns money toward equipment and books, my two youngest children will receive 10 issues of a magazine that will educate, entertain, and delight them, and I get to support my son while putting smiles on the faces of my children—all for only $26.

Further proof that when you sell valuable products or services to qualified prospects, you really are serving them.

Order Delight Your Customers: 7 Simple Ways to Raise Your Customer Service from Ordinary to Extraordinary by Steve Curtin or purchase from select retailers, including Barnes & Noble.
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