Have you ever heard someone in a committed relationship say that he or she no longer loves the other person?
When questioned, he might say, “I’ve tried. Really I have. But the love just isn’t there.”
It’s no wonder the love isn’t there—because love (the noun) is a result of love (the verb).
In the absence of demonstrating love for another person, there’s only an association, an existence together. Heck, I have that type of relationship with my mailman.
As Valentine’s Day nears, it’s worth emphasizing that in a committed relationship, it’s insufficient to view love as a noun—a feeling that goes back and forth between satisfied and unsatisfied. Love must be demonstrated. Love requires action. Love is a verb.
It’s the same with customer service.
Many service providers view service as a noun—a role, function or department.
As a result, customer service is routine and lifeless.
It’s the difference between a drive-thru bank teller who processes a deposit, ending the transaction with, “You’re all set” compared with a teller who, while completing the deposit, notices there are restless children in the car and chooses to enclose several lollipops in the tube along with the customer’s receipt, saying, “I thought these might come in handy!”
Both noticing the children and choosing to enclose lollipops require effort. These actions are the result of the bank teller demonstrating customer service.
Going through the motions, whether in a committed relationship or with a customer, will result in a bland, routine, and predictable association. This opens the door for a competitor…
Do not view service as a noun. Do not see “serving customers” as performing a role or function that is defined by a script, checklist or some other process.
Service, like love, is a verb. As such, it requires action and effort. It must be demonstrated.
When done well—consistently, with genuine care and concern—you will make a lasting positive impression and ensure that your “customer” will only have eyes for you.